Look closely at your social media activity. Are you even on social media? It’s not just about X – LinkedIn and Facebook are brilliant ways to interact and immerse yourself in your profession, communicating and networking with like-minded and career oriented individuals and groups

If you are currently active on social media, look at ways to improve and optimise your online activity. Does your profile need updating? Are there more groups you could join – even if they are not local groups, connecting with peers in different parts of the country, or even the world, can provide fantastic opportunities and enrich your professional development leaps and bounds.

Let’s Get Social Media Activity

Check out how you come across online by googling yourself. What comes up? An outdated LinkedIn profile? You can optimise your social profile by editing your profiles to include key words which are relevant to your profession. Take a look at what words your peers are using in their profiles to highlight their professional abilities. Make sure you are joining the right professional groups, and engaging and interacting with the right people. Join discussions and offer comment on topics which you feel you can contribute. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, and engaging further on social media platforms, you will increase your visibility and credibility. You will remain in the loop and up to date on how your profession is developing and this can work wonders for your career and self-development.

How in to networking on social media platforms are you? If you’re not already immersed, now is the time. But, remember to continue interacting with peers face to face. It can become too easy to build relationships online, and neglect going out and meeting and engaging with people face-to-face. Online networking, and face-to-face networking are interchangeable and generally work best in conjunction with each other. By networking online you’ll become more aware of events you can attend, and build relationships with people before you even meet them. And, attending face-to-face networking events will enable you to make more contacts and build your online connections, and your visibility.

What other ways can you be active online? Do you have a Google+ account? Do you have a blog? Think about what skills you possess, and how you can really make the most of them, and think of ways to develop your social media skills. Step out of your comfort zone, and explore more ways in which you can use social media to provide personal development and create new opportunities for yourself. We’re sure you’ll be surprised at the impact upping your social media activity can have on your career. You could even add another string you your social media bow, by turning your new-found skills and confidence to the social media activity of your business or company. Businesses rely heavily on social media to market and promote themselves to new and existing audiences. Who knows to what limits your enhanced social media skills could take you… the possibilities and opportunities to use these online platforms to progress, are endless.