
Networking Is One of Those Love or Loathe Activities That Will Send the More Introverted Personalities Running for the Hills and See the Outgoing Extroverts Busily Working the Room.

Richard Branson said about networking “Succeeding in business is all about making connections….Business is all about personal contact. No matter how heavy your workload is… everyone can and should be a networker.” 


Networking with peers in your profession or industry can be hugely advantageous to you both personally and professionally. The top reasons you need to be networking are: – 

  • To build your network of contacts
  • Learn top tips
  • Share best practice
  • Meet likeminded people who understand the pressures and demands of your profession.
  • To maybe gain access to corporate discounts (this can only be a good thing!)

If you’re feeling like networking just sits a bit too far out of your comfort zone, unfortunately there is no other way to get past this other than to push through the barrier and view it as a way to build your confidence. 


  • Find a small event to attend to start with
  • Research who’ll be there and who’s hosting the evening, maybe tweet with a few people beforehand so you have a handy conversation icebreaker
  • Think of some key questions so when you’re speaking to new people, you can focus on them until your nerves settle
  • Attend with a friend/colleague
  • Take a breath when you arrive and smile!
  • It’s likely you’re not the only one there who’s not a natural networker, see if you can spot anyone else on their own and introduce yourself. Alternatively, find a small group of 2 or 3 people and head in or find the host of the event and introduce yourself and they’ll likely introduce you to others. 
  • After the event connect those you’ve met on X or LinkedIn. Send them a quick “It was great to meet you” message. 

Go forth and network!