Edna Rosa From Full Time Mum to Legal Secretary
Edna Rosa From Full Time Mum to Legal Secretary
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Edna Rosa – From Full-Time Mum to Legal Secretary

Job Secured: Legal Secretary

“This course was very important for my career development, not least because I learned to use Microsoft Office and to type faster.  After a month doing the course I also found work experience in a solicitor’s company.  After, two weeks, they asked if I would like to be part of the team. After 2 years I am still working with them. Jeeva the coordinator of Pitman Training Hendon gave me the support I needed at that time to have the confidence to move on.  She also advised me what I should do to find a job, and prepared me for job interviews. She is always available for the students, especially when they do not understand a topic.  She is very dedicated to her work and to the students. I was only be able to do this course because of the centre’s flexible hours, otherwise it would be impossible for me as a busy mother.”